
Take advantage of the exceptional setting of the Pierrefonds castle to organize your events.

Privatization offer

Salle des gardes durant une réception de particulier

Events for individuals (weddings, birthdays...)

Take advantage of the exceptional setting of Pierrefonds Castle to organize your private events.

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Reception cocktail dans la cour d'honneur

Professional events (cocktail parties, seminars...)

Take advantage of an exceptional architectural setting in the heart of the state forest of Compiègne to organize your professional events.

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Concert durant le Monumental tour

Public events (concerts, prize-giving ceremonies...)

Take advantage of the exceptional setting of the Pierrefonds castle to organize your shows, animations and concerts.

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Visite privée impérial sur la terrasse de la chapelle

Private visits

Outside opening hours, enjoy an exceptional moment with a private visit of the Pierrefonds castle.

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To download

  • Grille tarifaire château de Pierrefonds

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