Animations for the general public (concerts, prize-giving...)
Take advantage of the exceptional setting of Pierrefonds castle to organize your shows, animations and concerts.
Guard room 310 m² : 300 persons ; Kitchens 200 m² : 50 persons ; Chapel 100m² : 100 persons ; Court of honor of the castle 1700 m² : 540 persons ; Outside 2200 m².
Spaces concerned : 3 interior spaces, the courtyard of honor and the park of the castle
Locations : All year round
List of caterers, parking for coaches less than 20 minutes away on foot, parking at 500m, store
Cultural event according to the time of global occupation : from 1200 € TTC
This castle, saved by Eugène Viollet-le-Duc and intended to welcome imperial receptions, is a showcase for your events from the most intimate to the most grandiose
Take advantage of the castle, the main courtyard, the lices or the park to organize your events in an exceptional architectural setting less than an hour from Paris. The diversity of these spaces allows an adaptation to your projects: parades, prize-giving, concerts...